A Cold Cup of Tea

Monday mornings are quite hectic in my household. If you are a parent of young kids, then you probably will relate to this. If you are a working professional AND a parent, then you will definitely relate to this.

I got promoted to Managing Director last year. I was elated naturally, but that didn’t last for too long. I slipped into this zone – feeling somewhat empty, a sense of void where there used to be this goal.

As I processed some of those feelings – they come only some times on a slow Sunday afternoon – I started to mull over “slowing down”, “pacing myself”, “living more intentionally” etc. And like most adults, I formed a new year’s resolution – “I will enjoy my Monday morning cup of tea”. Sounds so easy.

I like tea. I’m not one of those fanatics who can have multiple cups a day. But that morning cup I do like. It’s a bit of a ritual, gets me started and set for the day. I have no addictions, by the grace of the Almighty. I can definitely go without tea for days and not be cranky. But I do like that morning cup.

The first Monday morning in January was on the 6th. I’m up early as usual – 5.30 a.m. to be precise. I get on with my yoga, some prayer and reading. For some reason, I can’t concentrate – mainly because I have the tendency to try too hard. My mind is constantly jumping to the ten things I need to get done that day at work, and a prep needed for a school thing for one of my young ones. A few deep breaths don’t fix this mental gymnastics. I give up and my mind wanders to some random holiday ideas. Then it fixates on the fact that I will soon have a hot cup of tea and then I will settle down a bit.

Before I know it, its time to wake Kid #1 up for school – there are some tantrums, words are spoken and eventually we manage to say ‘have a nice day’ as politely as possible – although we’re both annoyed.

I finally have the 15 mins before its time for Kid #2 to wake up. My house help hands me a hot cup of tea. I’m so grateful – I want to hug her and tell her how amazing she is. But I don’t. I just smile and take the cup and sit down. The sun is starting to get up in the sky and it looks so beautiful. I’ve just taken the first sip and miraculously, Kid #2 is up – without any warning. Standing right behind me with a blanket in hand, complaining that its too cold and it must be a school holiday.

I put the cup of tea down and tend to the little one, explaining that school doesn’t shut down because it is cold outside. I make up some story about “Mummy School” explaining to “Baby School” how it needs to be strong and its going to be such fun when all kids come in. This does the trick and the next 45 mins fly by in cajoling the little one to bathe and dress. While she is fed her breakfast – I have another 15 mins.

I take the cup of tea in hand again – determined to “finish enjoying it”. But into some sips, work calls – its someone who “only needs 2 quick minutes ?”. They last long enough to get me to school drop time. Kid #2 is ready, fed, shoes on, bag on and staring at me.

We head to school, have an uneventful “have a nice day” moment and I’m back home. I convince myself that its best to spend the time dressing for work now and have my tea once I’m sat in the car. As I step out of the door, work mode is automatically switched on. My house help hands me a re-heated cup with a cover for my commute. I thank her, and I head to the car. Sitting down, I start to worry about something. I can’t remember what it was now, but it needed me to make a few “urgent calls”. The office building is already looming on the horizon by the time I am done dealing with the topic. Might as well have that cup once I’m well and truly in the office building.

I’m very very lucky to have my own cabin – perks of getting to Managing Director and all that. I decide that I’ll just log in first and then I’ll go re-heat my morning cup of tea. There is some technical issue and I need to call the IT help desk, it takes a while for this to be resolved. By then, the office boy gets me a cup of coffee. He has been doing this for a while now – and while I’m not a coffee person, I don’t like to decline this. He makes a nice effort and the coffee has a little pattern in the cup. So I drink it.

Work swallows me up after that. Don’t get me wrong – I enjoy it very much. There is such a thrill in solving problems with highly intelligent people. Good people even. I’m very grateful.

It’s an action packed Monday as they usually are. Working lunch and a quick bite of the protein bar that’s probably been sitting in my office for atleast 3 days now. It’s 7 .30 p.m. I look at the time with bewilderment. What in the world !? I remind myself that it was a productive day – and a colleague adds “time flies when you are having fun”. He says it ironically and we share a laugh.

Time to head back to Kid#1 & #2 who are eagerly waiting to tell me about this “Crazy incident” that happened at their respective schools – sometimes a little embellished with their imagination. I love that hour of my day, forgetting about the world, its just us and some wonderful stories. My heart swells with joy.

Dinner is done, the kitchen is cleared. I can never have a good night’s sleep if the kitchen is a mess. Bedtime. The kids are off to sleep. Time for me to turn in for the night as well. I think for a moment if I should get some reading done before I sleep, but decide against it.

As I go to turn the lights off and head to the bedroom, staring at me from the dining table, with the cover firmly on – is my cold cup of tea.

Big hug. x

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