” You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

-Mae West

One marriage, Two kids, Two decades making a career in Banking & Financial services – I have now had 42 trips around the Sun.

I have always been a high functioning individual, wanting to do many things at a time and do them well. Sometimes I have succeeded, most times not!

Writing has been a passion and by now I have many many diaries filled with what I would like to call ‘my experiences’. Reading has been another mainstay of my life, and I always tend to find an answer or a direction or some inspiration from the right book at the seemingly right time.

Finally, I am largely an introvert, I masquerade effortlessly as an extrovert most times. I do love getting to know people and understanding what makes them tick.

This blog has been that project which has been waiting for a long long time to come to life. It will combine all my passions – books, experiences & anecdotes that get you to think – and some interesting people & their stories.

Big hug. x

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